Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cross Fit Challenge!

A friend of mine recently turned me on to Cross Fit.  She and her family started doing it and have had some pretty fantastic results.  I just thought it was another passing workout fad at first, so I didn't pay too much attention to her many facebook updates about it.  Then she told me it was a workout of an average of TEN minutes a day.  I stopped dead in my tracks.  So I talked more with her about it and did a little googling of my own and have decided to give it a go for one month.  Even I have ten minutes a day to devote to a workout.  Hard for me to wiggle my way out of that short amount of time.  And with a tropical bikini-wearing vacation in my not too distant future, I thought I should at least see what kind of results it gives me.

So today is day one.  I found this Cross Fit beginner's website that gives a bunch of WODs (workout of the day) for beginners and a whole slew of others to go off of as you advance.  Here is what I started with:

As many rounds in 10min:
10 Squat Thrusts with broomstick
10 Push ups on Knees
10 Sit ups

I thought things were going smashingly as I completed my third round.  Then I made the mistake of checking my timer.  Only FIVE minutes had gone by!! I thought for sure something was wrong with my clock.  Anyway, I pushed through and completed 8 rounds.  The squats were fine for me, as well as the sit ups (apparently my quads and abs are actually kind of strong??) but the push-ups...man oh man! I thought my arms were going to fall off.  And even as I write, 30 minutes post workout, my arms are still shaking.  I always knew they were my weak point.n as I write, 30 minutes post workout, my arms are still shaking.  I always knew they were my weak point.

Working out is not something that is in the forefront of my brain everyday, but since this is only ten minutes each day (with a rest day or so each week), I will continue on! And I will let you all know how it progresses for this weak-armed lady.

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