“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. John 14:27
I just read this verse in John this morning. And it reminded me of something that I know I've felt all along, I just sometimes forget about it. God has everything under control. And he has given us a gift of peace of mind and heart so that we remember that he has everything in his hot little hands.
We've all seen the person (or been the person) who doesn't believe that voice in their heart that things are going to be just fine. Or maybe they don't even have that voice. They are always planning. always scheduling, always double checking details and times and lists, always calling to confirm, always running around worrying and worrying. Sometime they literally look heavy with the weight of worry. You can see it in their eyes and on their faces. They are begging for someone to grab them, shake them and say "Everything is fine, I've got this." Sometimes I do this. Now that I have a daughter, it seems that worrying has been playing a bigger and bigger role in my life. (can I get an amen?) I just can't seem to get a real firm grasp on that quiet voice that used to shout to me that things will be fine. She's a little more muffled these days. And usually it takes God speaking ever so gently through my husband who literally says to me "Babe, calm down. It's going to be fine." But if I would just remember before things go spinning out of control, that Jesus already shook me by the shoulders and told me he's got it all under control. I just take it for granted and try to plan and worry my way around the days in my life. What a waste of this amazing gift God gives to us.
It is so easy to get caught up in the schedules and goings on of the day that we forget to take time to listen for that quiet voice. To remember that Jesus knows what our lives are like. He knows what's happening, what's not happening, who's there, who's not there. He knows it all. And he knew it all before he even created you and he created you anyway. He loves us so much and wants us to experience the gift of peace of mind and heart that he gives us when we choose to follow him. He doesn't want us wasting our precious moments worrying about things that we cannot control. I think this verse is a reminder that we all need to hear everyday. Is there someone in your life that you need to share this truth with?
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